Acupuncture: A Natural, Safe, Effective, Drug-Free Solution

acupunctureAcupuncture, or “needle therapy” (zhenjiu) as it is called in Chinese, is an ancient form of medicine which is gaining more and more popularity in this country for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

During a treatment, very thin, solid, hairlike needles are inserted at specific points on the body. In Chinese these points are called “neural nodes” (jie) and the stimulation of these nodes affects both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It triggers the release of the body’s internal chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins, which have pain-relieving properties. If you have pain that is lingering or is not being treated by other modalities, then acupuncture offers a time-tested, very reliable method of pain relief.

During a treatment, very thin, solid, hairlike needles are inserted at specific points on the body. In Chinese these points are called “neural nodes” (jie) and the stimulation of these nodes affects both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It triggers the release of the body’s internal chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins, which have pain-relieving properties. If you have pain that is lingering or is not being treated by other modalities, then acupuncture offers a time-tested, very reliable method of pain relief.

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